Halcyon Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum
Hips: PennHIP certified, OFA Fair
Eyes: OFA normal
Heart: OFA normal
Elbows: OFA normal

Hips: PennHIP certified, OFA Good
Eyes: OFA normal
Heart: OFA normal
Elbows: OFA normal
Hips: PennHIP certified, OFA Good
Eyes: OFA normal
Heart: OFA normal
Elbows: OFA normal
Hips: PennHIP certified, OFA Good
Elbows: OFA normal
Heart: OFA normal
Eyes: OFA normal

Diamond Sanitacteam Day
Hips: PennHIP certified, OFA Good
Elbows: OFA Normal
Heart: OFA Normal
Eyes: OFA Normal

Hips: PennHIP certified, OFA Fair
Elbows: OFA normal
Heart: OFA Normal
Eyes: OFA Normal